Our Story

Kawa Mawlayee's Story:

Kawa has served 21+ on-going years in the military and Special Operations community in which he's had the privilege and honor to learn from and work with some of the best Tier 1 & 2 operators and instructors in the world. He's trained under several advanced skillset schools and agencies in the Department of Defense and with our foreign counterparts overseas.

Kawa's operational experience was gained from numerous deployments around the world with emphasis in the Middle East. The real world experience that he's gained has helped him understand environmental threat analysis and vulnerability & risk assessment. Knowing your environment, understanding it's cultural parameters and being able to identify abnormal patterns of behavior or conduct is the key to survival and success. 

Kawa's instructor experience comes from his years at 5th Special Forces Group, teaching at the Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat (SFAUC) course. At SFAUC, Kawa and the other cadre taught 40 Green Berets every 5 weeks. 2 weeks of high level, advanced shooting applications on the flat range and 2 weeks of CQB, mission planning and urban warfare. 

SFAUC is where Kawa honed in on his shooting, instruction and public speaking. Although Kawa loves teaching people how to shoot at a higher level, his passion is close quarters battle (CQB) and studying/teaching the methods of structural assessment, threat analysis and structural takedowns. 


Our Mission Statement:

What does all this have to do with shooting firearms and tactical training? 

Shooting firearms are only one aspect of defense, it's a tool. You can't use a hammer if you don't understand or appreciate the value it brings and how it correlates within the pattern of life of a construction site. A pistol and rifle have the same value in their respective work environment but if you don't understand the environment, then how can you best utilize the tool? 

At 2Alpha Training Group (2ATG), we don't just train you how to use firearms. We train you how to best utilize them within the environment you work or live in. We advocate for you to adopt a lifestyle. We teach you what pattern of life means, situational & spatial awareness and most importantly, how to process information quickly, decipher it and make smart decisions using environmental & threat analysis. 

Unlike many other companies, we don't just teach you how you draw and shoot in that 1% scenario where you need your gun. We teach you to understand why and when to draw. We teach you how to think 3 steps ahead and free your mind to make the tactical decisions while subconsciously executing flawless mechanics and manipulations of your firearms and equipment. 

When you attend one of our courses, not only will we improve your mechanics, accuracy and understanding but we will improve your comprehensive mental acuity and help you become a better analytical thinker. 

We train you how to perfect form under a controlled environment so you can execute efficiently under chaos. 

Our core values include: 

  1. Provide real world experience and application

  2. Provide the "why", now just the how for everything we teach

  3. Provide detailed assessment of your strengths and deficiencies

  4. Provide detailed solutions and alternate methods of execution

  5. Understand the needs of the the client and tailor instruction to best suit them

  6. Execute a high standard for instruction, while holding you to a high standard of execution. 

 At 2Alpha Training Group, we are more than just a firearms training company. We help you transition your mindset to how a real warrior and operator thinks, works and adapts in any environment. We want to give everyday citizens the tools on how to become more prepared in this world. We don't just teach skillsets, we teach a life style and one that is conducive to learning how to protect yourself, others and your way of life.